Basketball Ankle Braces; Fend Off Ankle Sprains

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Basketball is a game full of action. It involves a lot of running and body contacts. And these more often than not result to injuries like ankle sprains. Different basketball moves such as crossover dribbling may also cause injuries like this one. Because of the body movements and actions involve in playing basketball, injuries like ankle sprains cannot be avoided. What players do is to use basketball ankle braces.

Before trying to understand what these ankle braces are, you need to understand ankle sprains first. Ankle sprain is usually caused by falling off and accidentally twisting the ankle too far. Signs of ankle sprains include swelling, bruising, pain or tenderness, stiffness and the inability to walk or even bear the weight.

Depending on how badly the ligaments are forced or stretched, an ankle sprain could be mild or severe. The latter can be very painful. While some may still be able to play with sprained ankle, as with the case of Manu Ginobili in the recent NBA Championship games against the Lakers, some will be advised to rest and will miss several games.

To combat ankle sprains, players use basketball ankle braces or tape your ankles. But, if you are not trained to do it, you should not tape your ankles lest you want to experience discomfort. Usually, an experienced trainer or your coach will be able to administer ankle tapes properly. So, what do you think is better? Tape or ankle braces?

Tape vs. Ankle Braces

For teams with low budgets, tapes are usually the option. It is almost ten times cheaper than a pair of ankle braces. Tapes are widely available especially for the young athletes. The disadvantage, however, is that it can cause blisters and pains when administered improperly.

Ankle braces can be use easily especially if they fit the user. They are mostly beneficial in providing support, stabilizing and limiting the motion of the ankle joint. There are also lots of choices when it comes to ankle braces. However, the most common type of basketball ankle braces are the lace up braces which feature Velcro for better stability.

In the end, choosing tape or ankle braces still depends on the player who will use it. Some may feel comfortable with tapes while some prefer basketball ankle braces.

Getting the Best Deals on Basketball Ankle Braces

If you opted for basketball ankle braces over tapes, the next thing that you should decide on is where to buy them.

• Sports shops – your local athletic shops surely offer wide array of ankle braces for you to choose from. Be sure to look for ankle braces that fit you.

• Online shops – if you don’t have time to take the trip down your local sports shops, you can always buy online. And as there are lots of sports shop websites online, you have lots of choices. You can even compare which online shop offers the best products and the best prices. You just have to make sure that the website is legitimate.

Say, you are serious about playing basketball and even dreamed of joining one of the prestigious teams in the NBA; you have to learn the proper discipline of professional basketball. And one of them is wearing the right gear such as wearing basketball ankle braces. Choosing the right pair is also an important factor.

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Air it Out with Basketball Quotes

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'Talent wins games, but team work and intelligence wins championships.'

That’s from the best basketball player ever Michael Jordan. Surprised? No, a fanatic must not be but should live with basketball quotes made famous by prominent and leaders of the game. Michael Jordan for one is not just a player but a mentor in his own right. He tends to touch the lives of his fanatics and every person around the world through his words of wisdom and he should be followed for the great example he proved the world. And he’s got a lot to say plus he’s not the only one, all basketball stars have their own piece of advice in the form of basketball quotes.

Wish to have a compilation of these quotes? Find hundreds if not thousands of important and useful basketball quotes in the web by checking out reputed basketball sites online. Find the best ones from top scorers like Michael Jordan, Bill Vaughn, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bobby Knight, Weldon Drew, Dave DeBusschere, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird, LeBron, Shaq O'neil, and so many more. 10 of the most famous and loved inspirational basketball quotes are as follows:

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #1:
'Any American boy can be a basketball star if he grows up, up, up.'
-Bill Vaughn

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #2:
'One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.'
-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #3:
'You don't play against opponents; you play against the game of basketball.'
-Bobby Knight

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #4:
'We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors.'
-Weldon Drew

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #5:
'The best teams have chemistry. They communicate with each other and they sacrifice personal glory for the common goal.'
-Dave DeBusschere

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #6:
'I haven't been able to slam-dunk the basketball for the past five years. Or, for the thirty-eight years before that, either.'
-Dave Barry

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #7:
'Basketball doesn't build character. It reveals it.'

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #8:
'Talent wins games, but team work and intelligence wins championships.'
-Michael Jordan

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #9:
'I tell kids to pursue their basketball dreams, but I tell them to not let that be their only dream.'
-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

- Favorite Basketball Quotes #10:
'As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don't know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.'
-Kobe Bryant

There are still very many basketball quotes you can find in the web that were once used in interviews and books written about the biggest names in basketball like the Losing Game and Basketball Secrets by Michael Jordan, Feeling Good and Work by Ed Macauley, basketball Advice by Derek Jeter, Stick with your man by Coach Norman Dale in Hosiers, Dreams by Pete Maravich, Definition of a Winner by Larry Bird, Basketball Game Success by Pat Riley and so many more.

The best thing is that you can get all these compiled for your own database. All you have to do is register on reputable basketball quotes sites and download each and every inspirational quote you will find along with the names of your favorite stars. These will all be useful in researches and for personal uses, free of charge!

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NBA legends on Barack Obama's game

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Kobe vs Jordan part 2., February 1st, 1998

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Kobe vs MJ in there 2nd game Head to Head. Shaq has returned for this Matchup. Jordan Scores 29 on 11-26 shooting and even though Kobe came off the Bench with Limited Minutes, He still drops 20. Lakers win by 25.

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1992 USA Basketball Dream Team Top 10 Plays

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The top ten plays from the greatest sports team ever assembled: The 1992 USA Olympic Men's Basketball "Dream Team", an historic teaming of legendary NBA players for the first time in Olympic competition: Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, David Robinson, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Clyde Drexler, Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen, Charles Barkley and Christian Laettner.

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NCAA Basketball Standings Getting High

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College is the strongest foundation of sporting careers, especially in basketball. And the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), USA’s 65 top teams clustered into 11 and 1 independent of 3 teams, is leading the pack. In fact, it is the most prominent tournament known as March Madness or the Big Dance to their fans and supporters.

Among the most sought after basketball news in the industry is the NCAA basketball standings and the elimination schedules. This is basically where the fans can get the notions of how their supported team’s faring in the game, which is usually held on March at its hosting college. To date, the team standings are as follows:

- America East

UMBC is taking the lead with a conference standing of 13-3 and a national standing of 24-9 over Hartford, Albany, Vermont, Binghamton, Boston U, New Hampshire, Maine, and Stony Brook.

- Atlantic Coast

North Carolina tops in the conference with 14-2 conference standing and 36-3 in the nationals while Duke is in the 9th position and Clemson at 22nd.

- Atlantic Sun

Belmont steals the conference standing at 14-2 and the national with 25-9 away from the rest of 11 competing college teams.

- Atlantic

Xavier lands at the 12th overall position with its 14-2 win over loss conference standing and 30-7 in the national competition.

- Big East

The big East has the most position grabbers in the overall standing with Georgetown leading the pack at 8th spot. It has a conference standing of 15-3 and national of 28-6. Louisville follows in the 13th position with conference standing of 14-4 and national of 27-9. It is followed by Notre Dame in the 15th slot with 14-4 conference standing and 25-8 in the national. Connecticut follows in the 16th position, then Pittsburgh, and Marquette at 25th slot.

- Big Sky

Portland is the highest team in the Big Sky conference. It has a conference standing of 14-2 and 23-10 in the national.

- Big South

The N.C. Ashville leads the Big South conference with 10-4 local and 23-10 national standings.

- Big Ten

The Big Ten is also a promising conference with three teams making it to the top: Wisconsin at the 6th position, Michigan St. at 18th, and Purdue at 29th slot.

- Big 12

Kansas also brought home the bacon landing at 4th place overall while Texas in number 7.

- Big West

The Big West failed to join the overall standings but CSU Fullerton takes up the lead in conference standings with 12 wins and 4 losses while taking 24 wins and 9 losses in the national.

- Colonial Athletic

In the conference standing, VCU is taking the lead with 15-3 and 24-8 in the national over the other 11 teams in the cluster.

- Conference USA

Memphis, the USA conference pride, sweeps other teams after landing the 2nd place in the overall standings. It also made 16-0 in the conference, meaning no losses at all; and 38-2 in the national.

- Missouri Valley

Drake ends at 14th place, taking the great leap for the conference.

- Pacific-10

This conference is another promising group in NCAA with UCLA leading at 3rd place, followed by Stanford at 10th and Washington at 21st.

- Southeastern

Tennessee brings home the pride for the conference at 5th slot while Vanderbilt was at 19th position.

These NCAA basketball standings are based on the latest results of April 16, 2008. As it continues to change every after game, check out the tournament schedule for the next results.

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